Messgaing (was "Embassy to Brittany")

Messgaing (was "Embassy to Brittany")

2014-02-06 15:51:44
Douglas Eugene Stamate
Carol wrote:
"Hi Doug. I'm talking about how your posts appear
on the website itself (via Yahoo). You might want to check it out to see what I
mean. Cutting and pasting from there ususally works - unless the other person's
format messes you up."
Doug here:
Thanks for the info!
As I wrote, I almost always read and reply to my
emails from my inbox rather than go to the website (wouldn't want it crashing
when we *all* show up to read the postings, now would we?).and apparently,
for whatever reason, that's the problem. For
short answers, such as this one, I'll likely continue re-typing and use the
website just for longer responses.
Any way, thanks again!
(who wishes the "Yahooligans" would get off our
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