Re Richard's DNA
Re Richard's DNA
2014-02-27 09:31:07
Hi everyone,I really think we have to get past the pro/anti Leicester or York scheme of things and wait for the Judicial decision to be announced.With no prejudice to either side my personal point of view regarding the genome is that some things are sacred and should be treated as such.Just because we can doesn't mean we should.Modern technology is a good servant but a poor master.Richard believed during his life time that he would die and be buried for eternity.His soul and spirit he commended to God .He was making provision for a perpetual Chantry of a hundred priests to pray for his and his family's souls.So the spiritual aspects should be of at least equal importance to those of the scientific investigations if everyone is respecting Richard and his remains.Kathryn x
Re: Re Richard's DNA
2014-02-27 09:41:05
I think you've made some very vital points, Kathryn. Thank you. Cx