Books that still need to be written

Books that still need to be written

2014-03-13 15:26:17

What do you think - I'll start it off:-

Louis XI and the WOTR - how the House of Valois brought down the House of York

Margaret of Anjou - reality versus myth

The Strange Cases of Ankarette Twynyho and Thomas Burdet (JAH I'm so disappointed you gave so little room to these)

Buckingham - madman, puppet or Lancastrian spy?

I'm sure there are loads more .........


Re: Books that still need to be written

2014-03-13 15:41:09
Blaybourne: An Archer's Story. From: hjnatdat@... Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2014 3:26 PM To: Subject: Books that still need to be written

What do you think - I'll start it off:-

Louis XI and the WOTR - how the House of Valois brought down the House of York

Margaret of Anjou - reality versus myth

The Strange Cases of Ankarette Twynyho and Thomas Burdet (JAH I'm so disappointed you gave so little room to these)

Buckingham - madman, puppet or Lancastrian spy?

I'm sure there are loads more .........


Re: Books that still need to be written

2014-03-13 20:12:40
Who was Richard of Eastwell?Mary
Richard III
Richard III on Amazon
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