Remember the Mid-Anglia Group?

Remember the Mid-Anglia Group?

2014-04-14 22:39:12
We will be attempting to resurrect it this summer. If you
live in Suffolk or North
Essex and wish to attend the first meeting or events next year,
please let me know. Thankyou.

Re: Remember the Mid-Anglia Group?

2014-04-14 22:51:37
Was that the group that Richard Collins used to belong to?Mary

Re: Remember the Mid-Anglia Group?

2014-04-15 21:50:51
I don't remember. JA-H ran this from 2003-10.

Re: Remember the Mid-Anglia Group?

2014-04-17 19:12:21
liz williams
Stephen,I think you already know it's a yes from me
Liz From: Stephen <stephenmlark@...> To: Sent: Monday, 14 April 2014, 22:39 Subject: Remember the Mid-Anglia Group?

We will be attempting to resurrect it this summer. If you
live in Suffolk or North
Essex and wish to attend the first meeting or events next year,
please let me know. Thankyou.

Re: Remember the Mid-Anglia Group?

2014-04-17 19:18:18
Oh yes – but there may be others we don’t
know of.

[mailto: ]
On Behalf Of liz williams
Sent: 17 April 2014 19:12
Subject: Re: [Richard III Society
Forum] Remember the Mid-Anglia Group?


I think you already
know it's a yes from me


From: Stephen

Sent: Monday, 14 April 2014, 22:39
Subject: [Richard III Society
Forum] Remember the Mid-Anglia Group?

We will
be attempting to resurrect it this summer. If you live in Suffolk
or North Essex and wish to attend the first
meeting or events next year, please let me know. Thankyou.

Re: Remember the Mid-Anglia Group?

2014-04-17 21:05:41
Jessie Skinner
Where would the meetings be held? I am in the South of Essex, but getting to, say, Chelmsford would be no problem for me.
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

Stephen <stephenmlark@...>;
RE: Remember the Mid-Anglia Group?
Thu, Apr 17, 2014 6:18:05 PM


Oh yes  but there may be others we don't
know of.
[mailto: ]
On Behalf Of liz williams
Sent: 17 April 2014 19:12
Subject: Re: [Richard III Society
Forum] Remember the Mid-Anglia Group?
I think you already
know it's a yes from me
From: Stephen

Sent: Monday, 14 April 2014, 22:39
Subject: [Richard III Society
Forum] Remember the Mid-Anglia Group?
We will
be attempting to resurrect it this summer. If you live in Suffolk
or North Essex and wish to attend the first
meeting or events next year, please let me know. Thankyou.

Re: Remember the Mid-Anglia Group?

2014-04-17 21:16:05
In the past, we concentrated on
Colchester, Ipswich and Bury for meetings but
went as far south as Witham once (for Ann Wroe).

[mailto: ]
On Behalf Of Jessie Skinner
Sent: 17 April 2014 21:03
Subject: Re: RE: [Richard III
Society Forum] Remember the Mid-Anglia Group?

would the meetings be held? I am in the South of Essex, but getting to, say,
Chelmsford would be no
problem for me.
Sent from Yahoo
Mail on Android

From: Stephen <stephenmlark@...>;
To: < >;

Subject: RE: [Richard III Society
Forum] Remember the Mid-Anglia Group?
Sent: Thu, Apr 17, 2014 6:18:05 PM

Oh yes – but there may be others we don’t know of.

] On Behalf Of liz williams
Sent: 17 April 2014 19:12
Subject: Re: [Richard III
Society Forum] Remember the Mid-Anglia Group?


I think you already know it's a yes from me


From: Stephen <stephenmlark@...>

Sent: Monday, 14 April 2014,
Subject: [Richard III Society
Forum] Remember the Mid-Anglia Group?

We will be attempting to resurrect it
this summer. If you live in Suffolk or
North Essex and wish to attend the first meeting or
events next year, please let me know. Thankyou.

Re: Remember the Mid-Anglia Group?

2014-04-17 22:31:33
None of those places would be completely impossible for me if there was something interesting on.My other choice would be London, so I always expect to travel.I have already booked for the Norwich study day in November.Jess
From: StephenSent: 17/04/2014 21:16To: Subject: RE: RE: Remember the Mid-Anglia Group?

In the past, we concentrated on Colchester, Ipswich and Bury for meetings but went as far south as Witham once (for Ann Wroe).

From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of Jessie SkinnerSent: 17 April 2014 21:03To: Subject: Re: RE: Remember the Mid-Anglia Group?

Where would the meetings be held? I am in the South of Essex, but getting to, say, Chelmsford would be no problem for me.
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

From: Stephen <stephenmlark@...>; To: < >; Subject: RE: Remember the Mid-Anglia Group? Sent: Thu, Apr 17, 2014 6:18:05 PM

Oh yes  but there may be others we don't know of.

From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of liz williamsSent: 17 April 2014 19:12To: Subject: Re: Remember the Mid-Anglia Group?


I think you already know it's a yes from me


From: Stephen <stephenmlark@...>To: Sent: Monday, 14 April 2014, 22:39Subject: Remember the Mid-Anglia Group?

We will be attempting to resurrect it this summer. If you live in Suffolk or North Essex and wish to attend the first meeting or events next year, please let me know. Thankyou.

[The entire original message is not included.]
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