Paul Johnson - or how to read a history book and miss half of it
Paul Johnson - or how to read a history book and miss half of it
2004-09-26 22:20:36
He wrote an Elizabethan biography in 1974 and I bought it in the
early nineties. As suggested earlier, I am re-reading it. He mentions
Warwick, Edmund of Suffolk, Margaret of Salisbury, Montagu and
Reginald Pole in the first two pages.
He even refers to the Ursula Pole- Henry Stafford marriage at the
same time (I only discovered that last autumn), and the Earls of
early nineties. As suggested earlier, I am re-reading it. He mentions
Warwick, Edmund of Suffolk, Margaret of Salisbury, Montagu and
Reginald Pole in the first two pages.
He even refers to the Ursula Pole- Henry Stafford marriage at the
same time (I only discovered that last autumn), and the Earls of