Channel 4 doc to air in USA in September

Channel 4 doc to air in USA in September

2014-08-24 02:53:38
For those of us in the USA, the new Channel 4 documentary will air on
PBS as an episode of its Secrets of the Dead series in late September, under
the title Resurrecting Richard III.

Looks like it's been Americanized, at least to the extent of the new title and new
narration. But a warning: PBS has definitely
not put its best foot forward on the web preview page. The first thing you're going to see is
Richard's skull in the grave, the wrong year of the discovery is given, hunchbacked is
used, the arrow in the back is stated as fact, and there's lots of hyperbole
about such a severe deformity and the most evil king etc.

Very disappointing coming from PBS, who usually could be relied upon to
hold higher standards than the National Enquirer . I emailed them about it, politely asking them to please fix the glaring errors, but my hopes aren't high.


Re: Channel 4 doc to air in USA in September

2014-08-24 17:18:41
I do not know, if the following link works in America. It worked on the Continent for me. Only the proportions seemed a bit distorted; the figures elongated, looking all rather thin. EvaWatch Richard III The New Evidence HDTV XviD TVCUK watchseries online online - FileHoot Watch Richard III The New Evidence HDTV XviD TVCUK watchseries online online - FileHoot You are watching online for free, Watch online, Download Richard.III.The.New.Evidence.... View on Preview by Yahoo
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