JAH's new book

JAH's new book

2015-01-23 18:47:26
There are numerous posts on this group referring to "JAH's new book". I wonder if one of the members would be charitable enough to explain to a newcomer the meaning of this reference. Is "JAH" the author, and what is the title of the book?Thank you.Carter

Re: JAH's new book

2015-01-23 19:05:54
Jan Mulrenan
Jan here.JAH = John Ashdown-Hill & his latest title is " The Dublin King".Sent from my iPad On 23 Jan 2015, at 18:45, ccarterglass@... [] <> wrote:
There are numerous posts on this group referring to "JAH's new book". I wonder if one of the members would be charitable enough to explain to a newcomer the meaning of this reference. Is "JAH" the author, and what is the title of the book?Thank you.Carter

Re: JAH's new book

2015-01-23 21:07:53
Jan wrote :

Jan here.
JAH = John Ashdown-Hill & his latest title is " The Dublin King".

Carol adds:

Speaking of whom, J A-H has another book forthcoming in June, this one called "The Mythology of Richard III." Let's hope that it stops the newest myths (e.g., Richard the glutton) in their tracks as well as answering all the old ones. It sounds promising, at least for general readers, though it may not provided much new information. You can find it on Amazon here: http://www.amazon.com/Mythology-Richard-III-John-Ashdown-Hill/dp/1445644673/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1422046513&sr=1-1&keywords=John+Ashdown-Hill (and on Amazon.uk, I'm sure, by typing "John Ashdown-Hill" under Books. You can also sample his other books, such as "The Dublin King: The True Story of Lambert Simnel and the Princes in the Tower" (which I'm about to do now). For those who don't know, J A-H, in addition to being a prolific pro-Ricardian author, is responsible for tracing the descendants of Richard's sister Anne to Michael Ibsen, whose mitochondrial DNA was used to positively identify Richard's remains.


Re: JAH's new book

2015-01-24 14:38:39
Jan and Carol:Thank you for solving this mystery for me. I have added this book, and others of his, to my wish list.Carter
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