The Re-interment

The Re-interment

2015-03-26 13:34:58
Well that was an emotional couple of hours. I thought Richard should have been laid to rest with his Queen in Westminster Abbey but I do feel that Leicester did a very good job.The strange moments were on the couch where Jon Snow kept calling Robert Lindsey 'Robert Lacey'. I did think he was going to hit him as he got madder and madder. And what exactly caused John Ashdown-Hill to be so incensed during the service? He couldn't remember himself afterwards, maybe we'll get an explanation once he watches it again.I feel our Richard has now got the recognition he deserved and many more people may begin to question the negative portrayal of him. A sad but uplifting ceremony.However I will always remember the dreadful news we heard after the service that the plane in France was brought down deliberately. My heart goes out to all those who suffered those terrible 8 minutes and their families and friends. These two events will be forever joined in my memory.Gillian
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