Anyone want a copy of 'Bosworth 1485'?

Anyone want a copy of 'Bosworth 1485'?

2015-04-03 11:30:21
I seem to have ended up with two copies of Bosworth 1485: Psychology of a Battle by Michael Jones.Anyone want a copy? Free of charge, of course. Let me know.Pansy/Leena

Re: Anyone want a copy of 'Bosworth 1485'?

2015-04-03 17:16:20
Hi Pansy If it is still available I would like it.Elaine

Re: Anyone want a copy of 'Bosworth 1485'?

2015-05-22 23:01:40
Hi Elaine,There doesn't seem to be any way for me to email you, but yes, the book is still available :) Please email me at needletwig AT gmail DOT com (had to spell out the address so Yahoo doesn't truncate it!).Pansy
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