Richard Boughton and Bosworth

Richard Boughton and Bosworth

2016-06-10 17:31:24
This is one for the military historians, which I'm definitely not!I often think of Richard Boughton because he's buried in the very lovely church about a mile down the road from me. His family built it as their mausoleum in 1452.He was the High Sheriff of Warks and Leics who was killed by HT's men the day before Bosworth when he was out recruiting troops for Richard. He gets a mention in most books then quickly forgotten.So what happened to his recruits? Did they get murdered too? Did they disband and not turn up? Who was left to gather them together at such a late stage. A couple of years' before their overlord would have been Hastings, before him Rivers, then Clarence and before that Richard Neville. But Richard had decided to look after Warks & Leics temporarily himself I understand - couldn't leave it to the Greys.So if they didn't, couldn't, turn up where was the local knowledge? Who could tap Richard on the shoulder and tell him the Fen Lane (speaks for itself) field contained a hidden bog? Yes he would have sent out scouts but was that the same as local knowledge when the enemy were camped down the road?Could the murder of Richard Boughton have cost Richard Bosworth? H
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