Bosworth+200 ....

Bosworth+200 ....

2005-02-13 22:07:26
Stephen Lark
.... would take us to Sedgemoor, after which battle Dame Alice Lisle was executed for harbouring one of Monmouth's men. Her attainder was reversed four years later.

She is yet another of Tim Powys-Lybbe's ancestors to be buried in at least two pieces (he is descended from Winifred Pole and the Barringtons, hence she can be added to: Montagu, Margaret of Salisbury, Clarence, Cambridge, Sir Roger Mortimer).


Re: Bosworth+200 ....

2005-02-19 10:15:44
--- In , "Stephen Lark"
<smlark@t...> wrote:
> .... would take us to Sedgemoor, after which battle Dame Alice
Lisle was executed for harbouring one of Monmouth's men. Her
attainder was reversed four years later.
> She is yet another of Tim Powys-Lybbe's ancestors to be buried in
at least two pieces (he is descended from Winifred Pole and the
Barringtons, hence she can be added to: Montagu, Margaret of
Salisbury, Clarence, Cambridge, Sir Roger Mortimer).
> Interesting?

.... and Dame Alice can be added to our chronological list of
beheaded women which previously only covered the years 1536-87. (Anne
Boleyn 1536, Margaret of Salisbury 1541, Catherine Howard and
Viscountess Rochford 1542, Lady Jane Grey 1554, Mary Stuart 1587)
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