2017-03-26 18:06:51
My cat is doing fine. Find myself talking to her in French at times! There is a lovely looking cat who is really friendly, has even come in the house when Ive had the doors open, but my Summer chases it away as soon as she spots it with a lot of hissing, but no fur flying. They usually end up sitting on the terrace staring at each other for a while before the visitor slinks off home!
Re: Chatte
2017-03-26 18:11:32
If this went to the forum my apologies. If Eileen you got it and nobody else great!Paul On 26 Mar 2017, at 19:06, Bale Paul Trevor bale.paul-trevor@... [] <> wrote:My cat is doing fine. Find myself talking to her in French at times! There is a lovely looking cat who is really friendly, has even come in the house when Ive had the doors open, but my Summer chases it away as soon as she spots it with a lot of hissing, but no fur flying. They usually end up sitting on the terrace staring at each other for a while before the visitor slinks off home! Paul