

2005-11-15 18:06:18
Megan Lerseth
Today I learned why not to burst out in a Ricardian rant when one's English teacher has a guitar handy.

He picked up the instrument, strummed a chord, and started singing:
"Richard the Third is dead
'Cause he got bashed in the head
I think Megan has a crush on him
'Cause she won't let us forget about him."

More seriously, I listened to the song "Wonderful" from the Broadway musical Wicked, which is basically a revisionist view of the Wicked Witch of the West (appearing in the show as a green-skinned but otherwise beautiful young woman named Elphaba), and I was struck by the following lyrics and how they relate so much to Ricardianism:

WIZARD: Elphaba, where I'm from, we believe all sorts of things that aren't true. We call it - "history."

(sung) A man's called a traitor - or liberator
A rich man's a thief - or philanthropist
Is one a crusader - or ruthless invader?
It's all in which label
Is able to persist
There are precious few at ease
With moral ambiguities
So we act as though they don't exist.

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