Courtesay titles (again)

Courtesay titles (again)

2005-12-05 18:52:55
Having been confused by the existence of various "courtesay" titles for
1453 (i.e. those held by eldest sons of Peers) I've just discovered
this list for 1460 which features many more, some of which I've never
before heard of. For example, it refers to the heir of the Veres
as "Lord Bolbec", and there's even a "Lord Bohun" in there.

Does anyone know of a definitive list of genuine peerages for this
period, as many of the above seem highly dubious to me.

Re: [Richard III Society Forum] Courtesay titles (again)

2005-12-06 14:57:19
fayre rose
pop your favourite surnames or titles in here


theblackprussian <theblackprussian@...> wrote:
Having been confused by the existence of various "courtesay" titles for
1453 (i.e. those held by eldest sons of Peers) I've just discovered
this list for 1460 which features many more, some of which I've never
before heard of. For example, it refers to the heir of the Veres
as "Lord Bolbec", and there's even a "Lord Bohun" in there.

Does anyone know of a definitive list of genuine peerages for this
period, as many of the above seem highly dubious to me.

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