New Richard III movie

New Richard III movie

2006-10-17 06:40:52
Howard Heller
Hello All,

I don't think I saw this posted here. I stumbled on a new movie with
a new take on Shakespear's Richard III.

Here is the link.

If that doesn't work, just go to and search Richard III.

Hard to tell what their take is, but it must be somewhat modernized.
Under the character/actor credits, there are characters such as "girl
with cell phone".

Also, some odd choices of characters.
David Carradine as Buckingham??? But, who knows what their
interpretation will be.

They say the movie is completed, so we should be seeing/hearing more
about it soon.

Just passing this along.

Re: [Richard III Society Forum] New Richard III movie

2006-10-17 09:42:51
Paul Trevor Bale
Please note in cast list "Woman with Cell Phone"! So
my guess is it'll be a modern version of Shakespeare's

--- Howard Heller <howard_heller@...> wrote:

> Hello All,
> I don't think I saw this posted here. I stumbled on
> a new movie with
> a new take on Shakespear's Richard III.
> Here is the link.
> If that doesn't work, just go to
> and search Richard III.
> Hard to tell what their take is, but it must be
> somewhat modernized.
> Under the character/actor credits, there are
> characters such as "girl
> with cell phone".
> Also, some odd choices of characters.
> David Carradine as Buckingham??? But, who knows
> what their
> interpretation will be.
> They say the movie is completed, so we should be
> seeing/hearing more
> about it soon.
> Just passing this along.
> Howard
> Yahoo! Groups Links
> (Yahoo! ID required)
mailto:[email protected]
> [email protected]

"Richard liveth yet"

Re: [Richard III Society Forum] New Richard III movie

2006-10-17 12:27:10
Bill Barber
David Carradine as Buckingham? Wow, that should be deep.

Howard Heller wrote:
> Hello All,
> I don't think I saw this posted here. I stumbled on a new movie with
> a new take on Shakespear's Richard III.
> Here is the link.
> <>
> If that doesn't work, just go to
> and search Richard III.
> Hard to tell what their take is, but it must be somewhat modernized.
> Under the character/actor credits, there are characters such as "girl
> with cell phone".
> Also, some odd choices of characters.
> David Carradine as Buckingham??? But, who knows what their
> interpretation will be.
> They say the movie is completed, so we should be seeing/hearing more
> about it soon.
> Just passing this along.
> Howard

Re: [Richard III Society Forum] New Richard III movie

2006-10-17 16:54:26
L. Miller
Who in the Wide World of Sports is "Scott Anderson"? Who ever he
is he seems to be chief cook and bottle-washer for the production
with this film as his rather lonely credit. I bet he also painted
the sets and catered the lunches. Never mind the girl with the cell
phone, what about "towel guy"----is this the modern equivalent
of "spear carrier"?
David Carradine should be familiar with Shakespeare, afterall
his old man John used to have his own Shakespeare company that he
financially supported by taking on all manner of film roles in dreck
laden movies.
Perhaps this will be a wonderful film adaptation of "RIII" but I
suspect it'll be more along the lines of a sore spot in one's mouth--
-you know it'll hurt if you go near it, but you do it anyway.

"Meek"(tongue in cheek---near a sore spot)

> David Carradine as Buckingham? Wow, that should be deep.
> Howard Heller wrote:
> >
> > Hello All,
> >
> > I don't think I saw this posted here. I stumbled on a new movie
> > a new take on Shakespear's Richard III.
> >
> > Here is the link.
> >
> > <>
> >
> > If that doesn't work, just go to
> > and search Richard III.
> >
> > Hard to tell what their take is, but it must be somewhat
> > Under the character/actor credits, there are characters such
as "girl
> > with cell phone".
> >
> > Also, some odd choices of characters.
> > David Carradine as Buckingham??? But, who knows what their
> > interpretation will be.
> >
> > They say the movie is completed, so we should be seeing/hearing
> > about it soon.
> >
> > Just passing this along.
> > Howard
> >
> >

Re: [Richard III Society Forum] New Richard III movie

2006-10-17 17:28:48
Megan Lerseth
Oh dear. Now you have me thinking of the infamous John Carradine-as-Dracula line ("If I'm alive, why am I in this coffin? But if I'm dead, why do I have to piss?").

This sounds like it's going to be worse than the version we ALMOST did in film club in eleventh grade, which set it in a high school amidst Shark-and-Jet-style gang warfare and the Richard equivalent was a crippled, chain-smoking Goth girl named Rachel.

"L. Miller" <pvtmeek@...> wrote:

Who in the Wide World of Sports is "Scott Anderson"? Who ever he
is he seems to be chief cook and bottle-washer for the production
with this film as his rather lonely credit. I bet he also painted
the sets and catered the lunches. Never mind the girl with the cell
phone, what about "towel guy"----is this the modern equivalent
of "spear carrier"?
David Carradine should be familiar with Shakespeare, afterall
his old man John used to have his own Shakespeare company that he
financially supported by taking on all manner of film roles in dreck
laden movies.
Perhaps this will be a wonderful film adaptation of "RIII" but I
suspect it'll be more along the lines of a sore spot in one's mouth--
-you know it'll hurt if you go near it, but you do it anyway.

"Meek"(tongue in cheek---near a sore spot)

> David Carradine as Buckingham? Wow, that should be deep.
> Howard Heller wrote:
> >
> > Hello All,
> >
> > I don't think I saw this posted here. I stumbled on a new movie
> > a new take on Shakespear's Richard III.
> >
> > Here is the link.
> >
> > <>
> >
> > If that doesn't work, just go to
> > and search Richard III.
> >
> > Hard to tell what their take is, but it must be somewhat
> > Under the character/actor credits, there are characters such
as "girl
> > with cell phone".
> >
> > Also, some odd choices of characters.
> > David Carradine as Buckingham??? But, who knows what their
> > interpretation will be.
> >
> > They say the movie is completed, so we should be seeing/hearing
> > about it soon.
> >
> > Just passing this along.
> > Howard
> >
> >

Re: [Richard III Society Forum] New Richard III movie

2006-10-17 17:48:25
Bill Barber
When David Carridine filmed the second Kung Fu series, he did so using
areas near my home, and next door to where I worked. He may have been
John's son, but I'm afraid he always looked at little 'fried'--perhaps
the result of drugs and vodka.

Hey, maybe that's it. Maybe Buckingham had been into the /amanita
muscaria /a tad more than was good for him. Maybe he hallucinated his
way through 1483. That would explain much.

Amazing how profound a stoned person can sound. Just watch "Kung Fu".
Wow, man!

As for Scott Anderson, who knows.

L. Miller wrote:
> Who in the Wide World of Sports is "Scott Anderson"? Who ever he
> is he seems to be chief cook and bottle-washer for the production
> with this film as his rather lonely credit. I bet he also painted
> the sets and catered the lunches. Never mind the girl with the cell
> phone, what about "towel guy"----is this the modern equivalent
> of "spear carrier"?
> David Carradine should be familiar with Shakespeare, afterall
> his old man John used to have his own Shakespeare company that he
> financially supported by taking on all manner of film roles in dreck
> laden movies.
> Perhaps this will be a wonderful film adaptation of "RIII" but I
> suspect it'll be more along the lines of a sore spot in one's mouth--
> -you know it'll hurt if you go near it, but you do it anyway.
> "Meek"(tongue in cheek---near a sore spot)
> > David Carradine as Buckingham? Wow, that should be deep.
> >
> > Howard Heller wrote:
> > >
> > > Hello All,
> > >
> > > I don't think I saw this posted here. I stumbled on a new movie
> with
> > > a new take on Shakespear's Richard III.
> > >
> > > Here is the link.
> > >
> <>
> > > <
> <>>
> > >
> > > If that doesn't work, just go to
> > > and search Richard III.
> > >
> > > Hard to tell what their take is, but it must be somewhat
> modernized.
> > > Under the character/actor credits, there are characters such
> as "girl
> > > with cell phone".
> > >
> > > Also, some odd choices of characters.
> > > David Carradine as Buckingham??? But, who knows what their
> > > interpretation will be.
> > >
> > > They say the movie is completed, so we should be seeing/hearing
> more
> > > about it soon.
> > >
> > > Just passing this along.
> > > Howard
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

Re: [Richard III Society Forum] New Richard III movie

2006-10-17 18:03:35
fayre rose
oh and lets not forget the two FBI agents. bizarre cast list.
i've never seen a real version of shakespeare's play. they are all modernised, or interspaced with commentary.
i even caught an old vincent price version called "the tower."

btw..while reading william camden's elizabethan history..i came across this's about inheriting the throne of england. richard gets a mention.

About this time certaine idle lewd fellows there were, I know not out
of what shop, to whom it was as good as a reward to disturbe the quiet
peace. These men, to the end to breake off by secret and wicked
practices the amity betwixt the Queene and the King of Scots, spred
rumors abroad that he inclined to the Papists faction and was of a most
averse minde from the Queene. To draw credite hereunto, there was
delivered to the Queene the Coppy of a letter to the Bishop of Rome
which was written by the Kings Secretary, a man of small credite, and
signed with the Kings subscription gotten by stealth. But she, who was
never light of beliefe, utterly rejected this and such like things as
feigned devices of corrupt minded men to alienate the hearts of the
Protestants from him, and winne unto him the hearts of the Papists.
Yea, when one Valentine Thomas, a man most distained with foule facts,
and being now to be condemned of theft, required to be heard about a
matter of very great moment; and being heard in private, accused the
King of Scots of ill affection towards the Queene, shee was so farre
from harkening to those that whispered these things in her eares, that
she detested this man as a dishonest backbiter and maliciously suborned
by others to worke trouble to her and the King of Scots, or else
devising this to save his life. The matter shee commanded to be
concealed in silence, and thought not good to have the man put to
death, lest any aspersion should be laid upon the Kings reputation,
forasmuch as calumniations against Princes, though most false, are
intertained with light beliefe. Whilest these rumors were fresh, she
privily advised him to weigh these things seriously: Whether there were
any other besides her that could more profit him, or hurt him. Whether
any other were more bountifull unto him. Whether any other expected
lesse from him then she, who looked for nothing else but that he would
advance the glory of God, and not be wanting to himselfe. And wanting
certainely he was not. For, to blow over such feigned rumors, men were
sent forth farre and neere throughout England and Ireland to winne the
hearts of the multitude to love him by extolling his constancy in
Religion, his Wisedome, Justice, Clemency, and other Royall Vertues.
There were Bookes also dispersed both to maintaine his title of
succession to the Crowne of England (which John Colvill, an impious
ungratefull Scot, had lately by cavilling oppugned, who notwithstanding
shortly after wrote a recantation and published it), and also to shew
that the admission of him would be more beneficiall to both kingdomes
then the intrusion of any other whatsoever, for these reasons: because
it is grounded upon best right; because he was a King; because it would
enlarge the kingdome of England by the adjunction of Scotland, so often
desired; because it would pacifie the Irish and Spanish warre, and open
freedome of commerce; because he had children, the Pillers of a
kingdome, and strength to defend him and his, and was most deare to all
the Princes of Christendome.

***There were set forth also the lamentable
ends not onely of usurpers, but also of advancers of usupers, and
amongst others, of Richard Nevill Earle of Warwick, who placed Edward
the fourth in the Throne, and of the Duke of Buckingham, who advanced
Richard the third to the Crowne. And to draw from the Queene a
declarationof succession, such sentences as these were interlaced here
and there: Kings cannot deprive their kinsmen of their hope of the
Crowne. Kingdomes are carried by right of blood. The things that
appertaine to children by the benefit of nature cannot be taken from
them by their fathers disinheriting, nor can they be transferred by the
Estates of a Realme to one more remote. ***


of note to that buckingham is named/blamed for assisting richard. but no mention of buckingham's rebellion to have been in assistance to h7. one would think the tudors would have grateful to buckingham.

why not mention sir james tyrrell who confessed to killing the princes?

does anyone know when the "story" that bucks rebelled to assist h7 began? was it with moore?

Paul Trevor Bale <paultrevor@...> wrote:
Please note in cast list "Woman with Cell Phone"! So
my guess is it'll be a modern version of Shakespeare's

--- Howard Heller <howard_heller@...> wrote:

> Hello All,
> I don't think I saw this posted here. I stumbled on
> a new movie with
> a new take on Shakespear's Richard III.
> Here is the link.
> If that doesn't work, just go to
> and search Richard III.
> Hard to tell what their take is, but it must be
> somewhat modernized.
> Under the character/actor credits, there are
> characters such as "girl
> with cell phone".
> Also, some odd choices of characters.
> David Carradine as Buckingham??? But, who knows
> what their
> interpretation will be.
> They say the movie is completed, so we should be
> seeing/hearing more
> about it soon.
> Just passing this along.
> Howard
> Yahoo! Groups Links
> (Yahoo! ID required)
mailto:[email protected]
> [email protected]

"Richard liveth yet"

Re: [Richard III Society Forum] New Richard III movie

2006-10-17 18:28:07
Bill Barber
Works for me.

Megan Lerseth wrote:
> Oh dear. Now you have me thinking of the infamous John
> Carradine-as-Dracula line ("If I'm alive, why am I in this coffin? But
> if I'm dead, why do I have to piss?").
> This sounds like it's going to be worse than the version we ALMOST did
> in film club in eleventh grade, which set it in a high school amidst
> Shark-and-Jet-style gang warfare and the Richard equivalent was a
> crippled, chain-smoking Goth girl named Rachel.
> "L. Miller" <pvtmeek@... <>> wrote:
> Who in the Wide World of Sports is "Scott Anderson"? Who ever he
> is he seems to be chief cook and bottle-washer for the production
> with this film as his rather lonely credit. I bet he also painted
> the sets and catered the lunches. Never mind the girl with the cell
> phone, what about "towel guy"----is this the modern equivalent
> of "spear carrier"?
> David Carradine should be familiar with Shakespeare, afterall
> his old man John used to have his own Shakespeare company that he
> financially supported by taking on all manner of film roles in dreck
> laden movies.
> Perhaps this will be a wonderful film adaptation of "RIII" but I
> suspect it'll be more along the lines of a sore spot in one's mouth--
> -you know it'll hurt if you go near it, but you do it anyway.
> "Meek"(tongue in cheek---near a sore spot)
> > David Carradine as Buckingham? Wow, that should be deep.
> >
> > Howard Heller wrote:
> > >
> > > Hello All,
> > >
> > > I don't think I saw this posted here. I stumbled on a new movie
> with
> > > a new take on Shakespear's Richard III.
> > >
> > > Here is the link.
> > >
> <>
> > > <
> <>>
> > >
> > > If that doesn't work, just go to
> > > and search Richard III.
> > >
> > > Hard to tell what their take is, but it must be somewhat
> modernized.
> > > Under the character/actor credits, there are characters such
> as "girl
> > > with cell phone".
> > >
> > > Also, some odd choices of characters.
> > > David Carradine as Buckingham??? But, who knows what their
> > > interpretation will be.
> > >
> > > They say the movie is completed, so we should be seeing/hearing
> more
> > > about it soon.
> > >
> > > Just passing this along.
> > > Howard
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

Re: [Richard III Society Forum] New Richard III movie

2006-10-17 18:45:44
>From: fayre rose <fayreroze@...>
>Sent: Oct 17, 2006 12:57 PM
>Subject: Re: New Richard III movie
>oh and lets not forget the two FBI agents. bizarre cast list.
> i've never seen a real version of shakespeare's play. they are all modernised, or interspaced with commentary.
> i even caught an old vincent price version called "the tower."

That sounds like it must have been the re-make of an older movie, "The Tower of London", one of the best hoots of a movie I've ever seen, and I saw it long before I knew from Richard III. This one had Basil Rathbone as Richard and Price was Clarence. They had a fine and lethal drinking scene together and played off each other expertly. Rathbone made an intelligent, classy and evil Richard, who came complete with a bedroom equipped with little dolls in a throne room representing all the human obstacles. Every time he eliminated someone, he tossed away a doll and advanced the remainders until they were all gone and the little doll representing him was fitted onto the throne. Boris Karloff enjoys himself and Richard's club-footed henchman, responsible for killing the dear little children. He also has a lovely and silent scene in the small dark room where the murders take place. Ian Hunter has a great time as Edward IV (he looks remarkably like the portrait, too). This Edward is a corrupt charmer who gets along quite well with Richard and knows more or less the fringes of what his very tall little brother might be capable of (and didn't discourage him).

Great fun and a guilty pleasure (but I'll take Basil Rathbone in about anything).


Re: [Richard III Society Forum] New Richard III movie

2006-10-17 18:56:09
>Great fun and a guilty pleasure (but I'll take Basil Rathbone in about anything).

Incidentally, Rathbone took another role with reference to "our" period, this time as Louis XI of France, verbally tilting against Ronald Colman's Francois Villon in "If I Were King". Rathbone pitches his voice a full octave higher than usual, dresses in pretty much the shoddy manner Louis liked, hobbles around on long, skinny legs, displays the canny, the ugly, the witty and the practical in the Spider King, and takes off with the movie.


Re: [Richard III Society Forum] New Richard III movie

2006-10-17 20:32:07
Megan Lerseth
Yes, "Tower of London" comes on TCM next week! I'm TiVo'ing it. And I must admit that I thought of it when I saw the 2004 Phantom of the Opera (which is another subject that I'm waiting for a decent film version of... Gerard Butler was hardly passable as the Phantom... too handsome) and I saw the Phantom's little set-up of the Opera stage with the dolls of everyone else that he uses when plotting.

Maria, love the reference to "very tall little brother".

And speaking of "looking just like the portrait", I still insist that Stuart Townsend is a dead ringer for Richard's arch-top portrait: (that's Townsend on the right) (and here's Richard)

Maria <ejbronte@...> wrote:
>From: fayre rose <fayreroze@...>
>Sent: Oct 17, 2006 12:57 PM
>Subject: Re: New Richard III movie
>oh and lets not forget the two FBI agents. bizarre cast list.
> i've never seen a real version of shakespeare's play. they are all modernised, or interspaced with commentary.
> i even caught an old vincent price version called "the tower."

That sounds like it must have been the re-make of an older movie, "The Tower of London", one of the best hoots of a movie I've ever seen, and I saw it long before I knew from Richard III. This one had Basil Rathbone as Richard and Price was Clarence. They had a fine and lethal drinking scene together and played off each other expertly. Rathbone made an intelligent, classy and evil Richard, who came complete with a bedroom equipped with little dolls in a throne room representing all the human obstacles. Every time he eliminated someone, he tossed away a doll and advanced the remainders until they were all gone and the little doll representing him was fitted onto the throne. Boris Karloff enjoys himself and Richard's club-footed henchman, responsible for killing the dear little children. He also has a lovely and silent scene in the small dark room where the murders take place. Ian Hunter has a great time as Edward IV (he looks remarkably like the portrait, too). This Edward
is a corrupt charmer who gets along quite well with Richard and knows more or less the fringes of what his very tall little brother might be capable of (and didn't discourage him).

Great fun and a guilty pleasure (but I'll take Basil Rathbone in about anything).


Re: [Richard III Society Forum] New Richard III movie

2006-10-17 21:15:06
Gilda Felt
Howard Heller wrote:

>Hello All,
>I don't think I saw this posted here. I stumbled on a new movie with
> a new take on Shakespear's Richard III.
>Here is the link.
>They say the movie is completed, so we should be seeing/hearing more
>about it soon.
>Just passing this along.
Hi, new member here. Not sure how "new" another take of Shakespeare's
work could be. Only way I'm watching a movie about Richard III is if
they make one closer to the truth.


Re: [Richard III Society Forum] New Richard III movie

2006-10-18 10:57:23
Paul Trevor Bale
Be patient Gilda. I'm just waiting for someone to
cough up the 100 million or so I'll need to make my
version and the truth will finally get out there on a
big screen!!!
Paul Trevor Bale

--- Gilda Felt <gildaevf@...> wrote:

> Howard Heller wrote:
> >Hello All,
> >
> >I don't think I saw this posted here. I stumbled
> on a new movie with
> > a new take on Shakespear's Richard III.
> >
> >Here is the link.
> >
> >
> >They say the movie is completed, so we should be
> seeing/hearing more
> >about it soon.
> >
> >Just passing this along.
> >Howard
> >
> Hi, new member here. Not sure how "new" another take
> of Shakespeare's
> work could be. Only way I'm watching a movie about
> Richard III is if
> they make one closer to the truth.
> Gilda
> Yahoo! Groups Links
> (Yahoo! ID required)
mailto:[email protected]
> [email protected]

"Richard liveth yet"

Re: [Richard III Society Forum] New Richard III movie

2006-10-18 19:51:32
Paul Trevor Bale wrote:

>Be patient Gilda. I'm just waiting for someone to
> cough up the 100 million or so I'll need to make my
> version and the truth will finally get out there on
> a big screen!!!

I know you're probably joking, but in all
seriousness, has there been any effort to make a
revisionist Richard III film?

Take care,

Audaces Fortuna Juvat

Re: [Richard III Society Forum] New Richard III movie

2006-10-18 20:06:28
> Paul Trevor Bale wrote:
> >Be patient Gilda. I'm just waiting for someone to
>> cough up the 100 million or so I'll need to make my
>> version and the truth will finally get out there on
>> a big screen!!!
>I know you're probably joking, but in all
>seriousness, has there been any effort to make a
>revisionist Richard III film?
>Take care,

I have a revisionist play. Maybe Paul and I should join forces and storm the gates, stimulated-guerilla-style.


Re: [Richard III Society Forum] New Richard III movie

2006-10-18 20:30:45
Gilda Felt
Paul Trevor Bale wrote:

>Be patient Gilda. I'm just waiting for someone to
>cough up the 100 million or so I'll need to make my
>version and the truth will finally get out there on a
>big screen!!!
>Paul Trevor Bale

##Wouldn't that be lovely. Guess we can all dream!


Re: [Richard III Society Forum] New Richard III movie

2006-10-18 20:37:07
Megan Lerseth
Well, there is this:

Gilda Felt <gildaevf@...> wrote:

Paul Trevor Bale wrote:

>Be patient Gilda. I'm just waiting for someone to
>cough up the 100 million or so I'll need to make my
>version and the truth will finally get out there on a
>big screen!!!
>Paul Trevor Bale

##Wouldn't that be lovely. Guess we can all dream!


Re: [Richard III Society Forum] New Richard III movie

2006-10-18 22:31:36
Paul Trevor Bale
No I am NOT joking!

On 18 Oct 2006, at 19:49, Rogue wrote:

> Paul Trevor Bale wrote:
>> Be patient Gilda. I'm just waiting for someone to
>> cough up the 100 million or so I'll need to make my
>> version and the truth will finally get out there on
>> a big screen!!!
> I know you're probably joking, but in all
> seriousness, has there been any effort to make a
> revisionist Richard III film?
> Take care,
> Kat
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Audaces Fortuna Juvat
> Yahoo! Groups Links

"Richard Liveth Yet!"

Re: [Richard III Society Forum] New Richard III movie

2006-10-19 01:02:33
Paul Trevor Bale wrote:

>No I am NOT joking!

Oh, then you've written a screenplay? I'm curious
because I'm working on one myself.

Take care,

Audaces Fortuna Juvat

Re: [Richard III Society Forum] New Richard III movie

2006-10-19 01:32:02
Bill Barber
No, Paul wasn't kidding.

Rogue wrote:
> Paul Trevor Bale wrote:
> >Be patient Gilda. I'm just waiting for someone to
> > cough up the 100 million or so I'll need to make my
> > version and the truth will finally get out there on
> > a big screen!!!
> I know you're probably joking, but in all
> seriousness, has there been any effort to make a
> revisionist Richard III film?
> Take care,
> Kat
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Audaces Fortuna Juvat
> <>

Re: [Richard III Society Forum] New Richard III movie

2006-10-21 15:03:24
Paul Trevor Bale
Certainly have.

On 19 Oct 2006, at 00:58, Rogue wrote:

> Paul Trevor Bale wrote:
>> No I am NOT joking!
> Oh, then you've written a screenplay? I'm curious
> because I'm working on one myself.
> Take care,
> Kat
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Audaces Fortuna Juvat
> Yahoo! Groups Links

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