Mary Shelley

Mary Shelley

2006-12-21 04:07:41
Bill Barber
Has anyone ever read Mary Shelley's 'The Fortunes of Perkin Warbeck'?

Re: [Richard III Society Forum] Mary Shelley

2006-12-21 04:26:45
fayre rose
no..but it's on line here.


Bill Barber <bbarber@...> wrote:
Has anyone ever read Mary Shelley's 'The Fortunes of Perkin Warbeck'?

Re: [Richard III Society Forum] Mary Shelley

2006-12-21 04:43:31
Bill Barber
Thanks, Roslyn.

It was sort of a rhetorical question. I was surprised to know that she
wrote a novel based on that story. Apparently it was her least
successful novel. Still, it might give an interesting early nineteenth
century 'take' on the late fifteenth century. Or maybe not. Mary Shelley
was not exactly of the mainstream.

fayre rose wrote:
> no..but it's on line here.
> http://arthursclass icnovels. com/arthurs/ shelley/perkin10 .html
> <>
> roslyn
> Bill Barber <bbarber@eol. ca <>> wrote:
> Has anyone ever read Mary Shelley's 'The Fortunes of Perkin Warbeck'?

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