Viscount Lovell

Viscount Lovell

2007-02-19 06:17:08
Do you know of any good sources for information on
Francis Lovell? So far all I've found is the odd
mention in books about Richard, only brief mentions.
Has there been any research done about him or
Richard's other "inner circle" people?


Planto bardus populus subsisto sermo!

Re: [Richard III Society Forum] Viscount Lovell

2007-02-19 07:42:56
Bill Barber
_*Francis, Viscount Lovel: Time Shows All Things*_ by Joe Ann Ricca is
available from The Richard III Foundation:

Rogue wrote:
> Do you know of any good sources for information on
> Francis Lovell? So far all I've found is the odd
> mention in books about Richard, only brief mentions.
> Has there been any research done about him or
> Richard's other "inner circle" people?
> Thanks,
> Kat
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Planto bardus populus subsisto sermo!
> <>

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