Those stairs...

Those stairs...

2007-05-21 14:00:39
I recently toured the Tower of London, and in the outer wall of the
White Tower there is a staircase that, according to the nearby brass
plaque, is very similar to the one under which those famous bones in
the urn at Westminster Abbey were found.

It is a spiral stone staircase, only a few steps showing before the
ascent is blocked with rubble. A sheet of heavy plexiglass covers the
doorway to the stairs. But what struck me is that it would be even
more impossible than I had visualized for anyone to secretly bury
anuything, even a squirrel, under such a staircase. Let alone in the
middle of the night, leaving no evidence by morning.

It was nice of Thomas More to come up with such a truly incredible
tale -- if he had restrained his imagination a little, he might have
been halfway credible.

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