An Invitation to join Antiquestnetbooks

An Invitation to join Antiquestnetbooks

2002-04-01 04:17:19
Hi Fellow Listmembers,

My name is Joy and I would like to invite you to join my yahoo egroup Antiquestnetbooks. Members will receive regular postings of new and used books for sale on ancient and medieval history including, but not limited to the following: Rome, Greece, Egypt, the ancient Near-East, Celtic culture, Byzantium, medieval Europe, epigraphy, archaeology, ancient and medieval arts and crafts, religion, mythology, warfare, economics, coin collecting...

All list members will receive the lists at least 24-hours prior to their being posted to other egroups. Many of the books are hard to find or at a significant discount to regular list price.

To subscribe just post an email to <[email protected]> and put the word subscribe in the subject line. Thanks.



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