6th July

6th July

2007-07-06 13:05:44
Paul Trevor Bale
Happy Coronation Day to Richard and Anne!

"Richard Liveth Yet!"

Re: [Richard III Society Forum] 6th July

2007-07-09 02:49:19
Megan Lerseth
I realize I've missed this topic by two days, but this 6th July ended up being rather special, as I have introduced the characters of Richard and Anne to the online community of the Sueniverse, and I think I've managed to convert a lot of people who'd otherwise not give a damn about our favorite monarch to the Society's point of view. It was fun getting all kinds of "Happy Richard Day!" cards from people who didn't know who he was only three months ago.
Paul Trevor Bale <paultrevor@...> wrote: Happy Coronation Day to Richard and Anne!

"Richard Liveth Yet!"

Re: [Richard III Society Forum] 6th July

2007-07-09 10:10:11
Stephen Lark
--- In , Megan Lerseth
<megan_phntmgrl@...> wrote:
> I realize I've missed this topic by two days, but this 6th July
ended up being rather special, as I have introduced the characters of
Richard and Anne to the online community of the Sueniverse, and I
think I've managed to convert a lot of people who'd otherwise not
give a damn about our favorite monarch to the Society's point of
view. It was fun getting all kinds of "Happy Richard Day!" cards from
people who didn't know who he was only three months ago.
> Paul Trevor Bale <paultrevor@...> wrote: Happy Coronation
Day to Richard and Anne!
> Paul
> "Richard Liveth Yet!"
It is ALWAYS of use to put Richard's case in a forum where values
such as research, facts, the law, logic and psychology are respected
and, even if not every individual does respect those values, that
fact can be pointed out!

6th July

2011-07-06 20:03:05
Paul Trevor Bale
I didn't post before thinking that there would be a lot of posts celebrating the anniversary of Richard's coronation in 1483. Guess I'm the only one with an open bottle of wine at the party!
Congratulations my liege lord!

Re: 6th July

2011-07-06 20:41:43
Judy Thomson
I've a cup of tea and breadstick!

From: Paul Trevor Bale <paul.bale@...>
To: RichardIIISociety forum <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 6, 2011 2:02 PM
Subject: 6th July

I didn't post before thinking that there would be a lot of posts celebrating the anniversary of Richard's coronation in 1483. Guess I'm the only one with an open bottle of wine at the party!
Congratulations my liege lord!

Re: 6th July

2011-07-06 21:03:37
Judy Thomson
Oh, and I'll open a jar of organic preserves - cherries, raspberries, and blueberries in a pomegranate syrup. Since I can't drink the wine...

Mmmmm. God save the King!

And a box full of Ricardian books just arrived by Post. Loyaultie Me Lie. How timely!

Do you have a box of Carr's biscuits, Paul? The "digestives" are my faves. 

And...goodness me, there's even a little Malmsey in the cupboard. Anyone with a good Stilton?

who made a nice English Crown of crosses and lilies (and oak leaves to hold the crosses, which looked skimpy)

From: Paul Trevor Bale <paul.bale@...>
To: RichardIIISociety forum <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 6, 2011 2:02 PM
Subject: 6th July

I didn't post before thinking that there would be a lot of posts celebrating the anniversary of Richard's coronation in 1483. Guess I'm the only one with an open bottle of wine at the party!
Congratulations my liege lord!

Re: 6th July

2011-07-06 21:46:05
I was reminded earlier on Sharon Penman's Facebook page. I am thoroughly ashamed of myself that I didn't commemorate it earlier.
Loyaulte me lie. The best king that England has ever had. Thank you Paul for reminding me. Are you going to Tewkesbury this weekend? Hoping to be there on Saturday though I am on antibiotics at the moment. Hope that they kick in before Saturday. If they do I'll be promoting Richard on the R3 Stall.


--- In , Paul Trevor Bale <paul.bale@...> wrote:
> I didn't post before thinking that there would be a lot of posts celebrating the anniversary of Richard's coronation in 1483. Guess I'm the only one with an open bottle of wine at the party!
> Congratulations my liege lord!
> Paul

Re: 6th July

2011-07-06 21:50:12
Vickie Cook
To Richard!

--- On Wed, 7/6/11, ricard1an <maryfriend@...> wrote:

From: ricard1an <maryfriend@...>
Subject: Re: 6th July
Date: Wednesday, July 6, 2011, 3:44 PM


I was reminded earlier on Sharon Penman's Facebook page. I am thoroughly ashamed of myself that I didn't commemorate it earlier.
Loyaulte me lie. The best king that England has ever had. Thank you Paul for reminding me. Are you going to Tewkesbury this weekend? Hoping to be there on Saturday though I am on antibiotics at the moment. Hope that they kick in before Saturday. If they do I'll be promoting Richard on the R3 Stall.


--- In , Paul Trevor Bale <paul.bale@...> wrote:
> I didn't post before thinking that there would be a lot of posts celebrating the anniversary of Richard's coronation in 1483. Guess I'm the only one with an open bottle of wine at the party!
> Congratulations my liege lord!
> Paul

Re: 6th July

2011-07-06 22:14:58
Judy Thomson
We Chicago B.O.A.R.s will be there in spirit. And perhaps so shall Richard.

I should love to see an engagement calendar with Ricardian event dates and images. I know a lot of people now prefer electronic devices, but an old-fashioned paper calendar would be lovely, especially if it included medieval festivals and Holy days. Does such a thing exist, and I've just not spotted it?

(I can imagine one with a permanent cover, and gothic clasps. Something like a day book; one would refill the pages, year to year, and archive the old pages...maybe there'd be a pocket for an iPhone or whatever, so we can navigate both Worlds : )


From: ricard1an <maryfriend@...>
Sent: Wednesday, July 6, 2011 3:44 PM
Subject: Re: 6th July

I was reminded earlier on Sharon Penman's Facebook page. I am thoroughly ashamed of myself that I didn't commemorate it earlier.
Loyaulte me lie. The best king that England has ever had. Thank you Paul for reminding me. Are you going to Tewkesbury this weekend? Hoping to be there on Saturday though I am on antibiotics at the moment. Hope that they kick in before Saturday. If they do I'll be promoting Richard on the R3 Stall.


--- In , Paul Trevor Bale <paul.bale@...> wrote:
> I didn't post before thinking that there would be a lot of posts celebrating the anniversary of Richard's coronation in 1483. Guess I'm the only one with an open bottle of wine at the party!
> Congratulations my liege lord!
> Paul

Re: 6th July

2011-07-07 00:46:38
To the king!

>From: Paul Trevor Bale <paul.bale@...>
>To: RichardIIISociety forum <>
>Sent: Wednesday, July 6, 2011 3:02 PM
>Subject: 6th July

>I didn't post before thinking that there would be a lot of posts celebrating the anniversary of Richard's coronation in 1483. Guess I'm the only one with an open bottle of wine at the party!
>Congratulations my liege lord!

Re: 6th July

2011-07-07 09:23:54
Annette Carson
Hi Mary - I will be at Tewkesbury for the first time this weekend and will be visiting the stall, so let's make an effort to ensure we meet. And Paul - will you be there? And anyone else on this forum, let's make the stall our rendezvous point for leaving messages and phone numbers. I'll be there both days.
Regards, Annette

----- Original Message -----
From: ricard1an
Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2011 9:44 PM
Subject: Re: 6th July

I was reminded earlier on Sharon Penman's Facebook page. I am thoroughly ashamed of myself that I didn't commemorate it earlier.
Loyaulte me lie. The best king that England has ever had. Thank you Paul for reminding me. Are you going to Tewkesbury this weekend? Hoping to be there on Saturday though I am on antibiotics at the moment. Hope that they kick in before Saturday. If they do I'll be promoting Richard on the R3 Stall.


--- In , Paul Trevor Bale <paul.bale@...> wrote:
> I didn't post before thinking that there would be a lot of posts celebrating the anniversary of Richard's coronation in 1483. Guess I'm the only one with an open bottle of wine at the party!
> Congratulations my liege lord!
> Paul

Re: 6th July

2011-07-07 11:48:24
Hi Annette
It would be amazing to meet you. Antibiotics appear to be kicking in so looks like I might be there. We are usually in the main tent. Worcestershire Branch are manning the stall on Saturday and Gloucestershire Branch on Sunday.


--- In , "Annette Carson" <email@...> wrote:
> Hi Mary - I will be at Tewkesbury for the first time this weekend and will be visiting the stall, so let's make an effort to ensure we meet. And Paul - will you be there? And anyone else on this forum, let's make the stall our rendezvous point for leaving messages and phone numbers. I'll be there both days.
> Regards, Annette
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: ricard1an
> To:
> Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2011 9:44 PM
> Subject: Re: 6th July
> I was reminded earlier on Sharon Penman's Facebook page. I am thoroughly ashamed of myself that I didn't commemorate it earlier.
> Loyaulte me lie. The best king that England has ever had. Thank you Paul for reminding me. Are you going to Tewkesbury this weekend? Hoping to be there on Saturday though I am on antibiotics at the moment. Hope that they kick in before Saturday. If they do I'll be promoting Richard on the R3 Stall.
> Mary
> --- In , Paul Trevor Bale <paul.bale@> wrote:
> >
> > I didn't post before thinking that there would be a lot of posts celebrating the anniversary of Richard's coronation in 1483. Guess I'm the only one with an open bottle of wine at the party!
> > Congratulations my liege lord!
> > Paul
> >

Re: 6th July

2011-07-07 16:34:14
Paul Trevor Bale
Sorry to say finance don't permit at moment. Have a great day and enjoy.
I will be there only in spirit...

On 7 Jul 2011, at 09:23, Annette Carson wrote:

> Hi Mary - I will be at Tewkesbury for the first time this weekend and will be visiting the stall, so let's make an effort to ensure we meet. And Paul - will you be there? And anyone else on this forum, let's make the stall our rendezvous point for leaving messages and phone numbers. I'll be there both days.
> Regards, Annette
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: ricard1an
> To:
> Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2011 9:44 PM
> Subject: Re: 6th July
> I was reminded earlier on Sharon Penman's Facebook page. I am thoroughly ashamed of myself that I didn't commemorate it earlier.
> Loyaulte me lie. The best king that England has ever had. Thank you Paul for reminding me. Are you going to Tewkesbury this weekend? Hoping to be there on Saturday though I am on antibiotics at the moment. Hope that they kick in before Saturday. If they do I'll be promoting Richard on the R3 Stall.
> Mary
> --- In , Paul Trevor Bale <paul.bale@...> wrote:
>> I didn't post before thinking that there would be a lot of posts celebrating the anniversary of Richard's coronation in 1483. Guess I'm the only one with an open bottle of wine at the party!
>> Congratulations my liege lord!
>> Paul
> ------------------------------------
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