August 22, 1985.

August 22, 1985.

2007-08-22 14:50:09
This is my first post since joining this forum, but I thought I'd share my memories of the
500th anniversary of the day.

I'm an ex-pat Londoner now living in the U.S. In 1985, I told my husband I Just had to go
back and visit Bosworth on the 500th anniversary. I went with my then 11-year-old son.
We took the train from London to Leicester, then a bus to the village of Market Bosworth.
Just about all the people on the packed bus were headed for the battle site, so there were
some interesting conversations.

After the bus left us at Market Bosworth we had what I remember as a long, long, hike
along a country lane to the site. My son, bless his heart, never complained once!

The site wasn't as developed as much as I'm sure it is now. But we had a wonderful time,
watching the re-enactment of the battle (which was over much too soon!) and walking
around. I think what affected me the most was seeing Dickon's Well, where reputedly
Richard stopped for a drink of water during the heat of battle. It still brings tears to my
eyes ....

By the end of the afternoon my son and I were pretty tired, and wondering about how to
get back to Leicester. As it turned out we rode in the convoy of army lorries all flying the
dragon banner!

Members of the army dressed in the appropriate costumes had taken part in the battle.
One of them overheard me asking about the chance of getting a taxi into Market Bosworth
or Leicester, and offered us a life. Wonderful!

So we rode in a British army lorry, one of several all flying the red dragon banner! I
happened to mention that, as a supporter of Richard, I shouldn't be consorting with the
enemy! One of the "Tudor" soldiers made the mistake of asking what I had against Henry
Tudor, so I let him know - all the way into Leicester, LOL!

It was a wonderful experience that I wouldn't have missed for the world.
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