Robert Hamblin - Obituary

Robert Hamblin - Obituary

2002-09-01 21:33:43
It is with much sadness that we have to report that Robert Hamblin,
until recently the Chairman of the Richard III Society, passed away
yesterday after a long illness.

Please use the following path to read an on-line obituary:

Neil Trump

Re: [Richard III Society Forum] Robert Hamblin - Obituary

2002-09-01 21:52:06
Laura Blanchard
At 08:33 PM 9/1/02 -0000, you wrote:
>It is with much sadness that we have to report that Robert Hamblin,
>until recently the Chairman of the Richard III Society, passed away
>yesterday after a long illness.
>Please use the following path to read an on-line obituary:

This is sad news indeed. Many of us who respected Robert Hamblin and his
good work for the Society will want to make a memorial contribution. Should
this be made to the Society, or does the family have another preference?

I am taking the liberty of also sending this to our American Branch listserv.

Laura Blanchard
lblancha@... (Philadelphia Area Consortium of Special
Collections Libraries
lblanchard@... (all other mail)
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