New Testament translation

New Testament translation

2008-01-23 20:17:02
Robert Fripp
If Richard III carried Wycliffe's translation of the New Testament with him he was well set up
to confront eternity. The rolling thunder in the thing is amazing. Too many years ago, when I
was singing eight services a week as a chorister in the choir of Salisbury Cathedral, the dean
invited a guest lecturer -- a specialist in Middle English -- to read (perhaps I mean "orate")
both lessons from Wycliffe's Bible. Wow! The power in plain English, especially when delivered
in an Ian Paisley-ish Ulster accent! Such sentiments as "Thei shuln sowe wynd, and repe
whirlwynd" (Hosea 8:7) attain the force of prophecy. Maybe if the Church of English brought
back the Wycliffe Bible, or at least the King James, attendance would increase.

Robert Fripp
The Impact Group, Toronto

Re: New Testament translation

2008-01-23 20:22:51
Stephen Lark
Similarly, Cranmer's language is said to be very dramatic - there was a C4 programme about the English translation of the Bible either last Easter or the one before. Dr. Williams was a contributor.

Has this been shown in Canada or the States yet?

----- Original Message -----
From: Robert Fripp
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2008 8:17 PM
Subject: New Testament translation

If Richard III carried Wycliffe's translation of the New Testament with him he was well set up
to confront eternity. The rolling thunder in the thing is amazing. Too many years ago, when I
was singing eight services a week as a chorister in the choir of Salisbury Cathedral, the dean
invited a guest lecturer -- a specialist in Middle English -- to read (perhaps I mean "orate")
both lessons from Wycliffe's Bible. Wow! The power in plain English, especially when delivered
in an Ian Paisley-ish Ulster accent! Such sentiments as "Thei shuln sowe wynd, and repe
whirlwynd" (Hosea 8:7) attain the force of prophecy. Maybe if the Church of English brought
back the Wycliffe Bible, or at least the King James, attendance would increase.

Robert Fripp
The Impact Group, Toronto

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