

2008-03-08 14:35:14
Paul Trevor Bale
Found this on a blog today. I was lucky I guess when I was at school.
My reply is at the bottom.
What do others think of the state of education these days?

07 MARCH 2008

The history of Britain.

The Romans invaded, and then they left for some reason.

Then nothing happened for 1500 years

Then Henry the Eight closed down the monasteries, for some reason.

Not much happened for the next 500 years.

Then Hitler lost the second world war, because he was German.

Which is basically as in depth as pre GCSE history gets in this
country. Which may also explain why a survey of school children found
that they believed King Arthur and Sherlock Holmes to be real whilst
believing that Winston Churchill is a mythical character.

Actually I have a sneaking respect for teachers, any one insane
enough to spend their days trying to stop a bunch of hyper active
midgets from trying to kill themselves deserves some respect. In the
Library not a day goes by when some toddler isn't bumbling out
through the front door, in a bid for freedom from its sun dried
tomato, 4x4, holidays in Tuscany, piano lessons, I know its a
Catholic school but their league table position represents a real
return on our investment - parents.

When I was at school I honestly thought that nothing happened between
the Romans leaving and the dissolution of the monasteries.

Town cryer: Hear ye, hear ye. Nothing happened today, again.

Townsman: But the Vikings are coming -

Town cryer: - That's right, nothing happened today

Neatly skipping the Dane law, the Norman invasion, the peasants
revolt, the black death and the wars of the roses we crash landed in
the Tudor era, with absolutely no understanding of the preceding
events or the broad continuity of history. With the church of England
established, and the enshrinement of agnosticism in society we
entered hyperspace again to Hitler. The gun powder plot, the civil
war, the republic, the restoration, the glorious revolution, the
American revolution, the french revolution, the empire, the
Napoleonic wars, Trafalgar, Waterloo, the first world war, the
Russian revolution and the wall street crash whizzed by like gnats in
a jet stream.

With no knowledge of the treaty of Versailles, the Wiemar republic,
the hyper inflation and the invasion of the Rhineland the second
world war seemed to us like a comic where the Evil Germans attempted
to conquer the world because they were - evil and ... German. Until
the plucky British defeated Hitler, without any help from anyone else.

This may have explained why someone in my class thought that the
second world war ended in 1966.

Anyway my point is that History is a story, and so it must be told
from beginning to end. We don't go about picking and choosing with
other academic subjects do we?

Teacher: Today we shall be studying Shakespeare's Tempest, over the
next week we shall study Act 1 scene two and act 5 scene 1, but not
the others. Then we shall examine how chloroplasts absorb sun light,
which leads to plants producing oxygen but we wont get bogged down
with the whole process. you boy, what does 2 plus something else add
up to?

Pupil: Five sir?

Teacher: yes five, which comes after six, but before those other ones
that come later

actually on the subject of maths why did we have to answer all of
those questions about whether a train will get to its destination
with how ever many barrels of fuel? I very much doubt I will every
get on a train and hear this.

'Good afternoon, this train should be leaving for London Charring
cross in a few minutes but before that we need to know how many
barrels of fuel we need, now each barrel will get us ten miles and
London is 52 miles away and basically the driver needs to know cos
its doing our heads in, so if anyone on board can work it out then we
promise not to crash the train, again.'

So as I said, there's no point in dwelling on history's salient eras
whilst completely ignoring the bits in between. One event leads to
another, that way it makes sense and that way we might be able to
avoid another generation of kids that think Gandalf was the first
Roman emperor.

But then I could be wrong, for all I know history really is just
decade after decade of people standing around picking their noses.

My reply...
Absolutely my feelings though when I was at school in the 1960s I did
get a bit more in my syllabus. I also had the option of Economic
History covering the feudal system, the Black Death, and the
Later I was given a choice of special subjects that allowed me to
study the French Revolution in detail, along with 17th century France
and Britain. pretty good. I feel sorry for kids these days, but it
does explain why nobody on quiz shows know anything about history
apart from Henry VIII having 6 wives!

"Richard Liveth Yet!"


2013-02-05 19:23:13
Paul Trevor Bale
It would appear from the fatuous comments passed by ex journalist turned tv presenter Matthew Wright on C5 in the UK this morning - "Just because he had a pain in the back doesn't mean we should forgive him for murdering all those people" said with a big grin on his face - it now appears that ignorance of history should be worn as a badge of honour! An actor guest shouted out Do I care they've found Richard III? No I bloody well don't! Who cares?Who cares?" I nearly smashed my tv screen in! I have now abandoned the show completely!
Later in a quiz show the contestant when asked which queen of England was born at Greenwich in 1553 answered "Victoria".
A friend of mine called having seen the programme and felt there was far too much of Phillippa who she said 'she could have happily strangled at one point'. Later she watched Starkey's take on the WOTR and said what extraordinarily biased drivel! And my friend is not a historian, even an amateur one, and knows little of the period, but she saw straight through him!
However the British press is having great fun atRichard's expense, so the fight intensifies as far as I am concerned, but armed with new weapons, thanks to Phillippa and the team at Leicester!

Richard Liveth Yet!

Re: History

2013-02-05 19:41:12
Stephen Lark
".......... which queen of England was born at Greenwich in 1553?"

The answer is?

----- Original Message -----
From: Paul Trevor Bale
To: RichardIIISociety forum
Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2013 7:23 PM
Subject: History

It would appear from the fatuous comments passed by ex journalist turned tv presenter Matthew Wright on C5 in the UK this morning - "Just because he had a pain in the back doesn't mean we should forgive him for murdering all those people" said with a big grin on his face - it now appears that ignorance of history should be worn as a badge of honour! An actor guest shouted out Do I care they've found Richard III? No I bloody well don't! Who cares?Who cares?" I nearly smashed my tv screen in! I have now abandoned the show completely!
Later in a quiz show the contestant when asked which queen of England was born at Greenwich in 1553 answered "Victoria".
A friend of mine called having seen the programme and felt there was far too much of Phillippa who she said 'she could have happily strangled at one point'. Later she watched Starkey's take on the WOTR and said what extraordinarily biased drivel! And my friend is not a historian, even an amateur one, and knows little of the period, but she saw straight through him!
However the British press is having great fun atRichard's expense, so the fight intensifies as far as I am concerned, but armed with new weapons, thanks to Phillippa and the team at Leicester!

Richard Liveth Yet!

Re: History

2013-02-05 19:44:08
liz williams
Matthew Wright is, apparently, an idiot.  Personally I've never watched his show and never will since it's reputation precedes it.  As for the quiz show, people are ignorant.  It's not necessarily their fault since history is not taught in our schools - other than WW2 - or when it is, it's not taught in any chronological way. 
"History is boring" is something my teenaged nieces say over and over again.  Only one of them did history at GCSE and it seemed to consist mostly of WW1 and WW2 which are obviously important but when that's all you do, I can understand why they say it's boring.  There is also a real thing about how history shouldn't be about "kings, queens, etc" but the common man.   I've done enough research into my own (mostly extremely common!) family tree to know that the documentation simply isn't there to make it wildly interesting other than to the family. 

From: Paul Trevor Bale <paul.bale@...>
To: RichardIIISociety forum <>
Sent: Tuesday, 5 February 2013, 19:23
Subject: History

It would appear from the fatuous comments passed by ex journalist turned tv presenter Matthew Wright on C5 in the UK this morning - "Just because he had a pain in the back doesn't mean we should forgive him for murdering all those people" said with a big grin on his face - it now appears that ignorance of history should be worn as a badge of honour! An actor guest shouted out Do I care they've found Richard III? No I bloody well don't! Who cares?Who cares?" I nearly smashed my tv screen in! I have now abandoned the show completely!
Later in a quiz show the contestant when asked which queen of England was born at Greenwich in 1553 answered "Victoria".
A friend of mine called having seen the programme and felt there was far too much of Phillippa who she said 'she could have happily strangled at one point'. Later she watched Starkey's take on the WOTR and said what extraordinarily biased drivel! And my friend is not a historian, even an amateur one, and knows little of the period, but she saw straight through him!
However the British press is having great fun atRichard's expense, so the fight intensifies as far as I am concerned, but armed with new weapons, thanks to Phillippa and the team at Leicester!

Richard Liveth Yet!

Re: History

2013-02-05 19:56:14
liz williams
No one -  Elizabeth 1 was born there in 1533.    I had to look that up - all I know is her reign was 1558 to 1603. 

From: Stephen Lark <stephenmlark@...>
Sent: Tuesday, 5 February 2013, 19:41
Subject: Re: History

".......... which queen of England was born at Greenwich in 1553?"

The answer is?

----- Original Message -----
From: Paul Trevor Bale
To: RichardIIISociety forum
Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2013 7:23 PM
Subject: History

It would appear from the fatuous comments passed by ex journalist turned tv presenter Matthew Wright on C5 in the UK this morning - "Just because he had a pain in the back doesn't mean we should forgive him for murdering all those people" said with a big grin on his face - it now appears that ignorance of history should be worn as a badge of honour! An actor guest shouted out Do I care they've found Richard III? No I bloody well don't! Who cares?Who cares?" I nearly smashed my tv screen in! I have now abandoned the show completely!
Later in a quiz show the contestant when asked which queen of England was born at Greenwich in 1553 answered "Victoria".
A friend of mine called having seen the programme and felt there was far too much of Phillippa who she said 'she could have happily strangled at one point'. Later she watched Starkey's take on the WOTR and said what extraordinarily biased drivel! And my friend is not a historian, even an amateur one, and knows little of the period, but she saw straight through him!
However the British press is having great fun atRichard's expense, so the fight intensifies as far as I am concerned, but armed with new weapons, thanks to Phillippa and the team at Leicester!

Richard Liveth Yet!

Re: History

2013-02-05 20:48:14
The queen who springs to mind with that date is Mary Tudor who became queen in 1553. Perhaps they got their dates wrong.

--- In , "Stephen Lark" wrote:
> ".......... which queen of England was born at Greenwich in 1553?"
> The answer is?
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Paul Trevor Bale
> To: RichardIIISociety forum
> Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2013 7:23 PM
> Subject: History
> It would appear from the fatuous comments passed by ex journalist turned tv presenter Matthew Wright on C5 in the UK this morning - "Just because he had a pain in the back doesn't mean we should forgive him for murdering all those people" said with a big grin on his face - it now appears that ignorance of history should be worn as a badge of honour! An actor guest shouted out Do I care they've found Richard III? No I bloody well don't! Who cares?Who cares?" I nearly smashed my tv screen in! I have now abandoned the show completely!
> Later in a quiz show the contestant when asked which queen of England was born at Greenwich in 1553 answered "Victoria".
> A friend of mine called having seen the programme and felt there was far too much of Phillippa who she said 'she could have happily strangled at one point'. Later she watched Starkey's take on the WOTR and said what extraordinarily biased drivel! And my friend is not a historian, even an amateur one, and knows little of the period, but she saw straight through him!
> However the British press is having great fun atRichard's expense, so the fight intensifies as far as I am concerned, but armed with new weapons, thanks to Phillippa and the team at Leicester!
> Paul
> Richard Liveth Yet!

Re: History

2013-02-05 21:06:45
Paul Trevor Bale
Yep. Question was wrong too!
Ignorance of history amongst researchers too it seems.

Richard Liveth Yet!

On 5 Feb 2013, at 19:56, liz williams wrote:

> No one - Elizabeth 1 was born there in 1533. I had to look that up - all I know is her reign was 1558 to 1603.
> ________________________________
> From: Stephen Lark <stephenmlark@...>
> To:
> Sent: Tuesday, 5 February 2013, 19:41
> Subject: Re: History
> ".......... which queen of England was born at Greenwich in 1553?"
> The answer is?
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Paul Trevor Bale
> To: RichardIIISociety forum
> Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2013 7:23 PM
> Subject: History
> It would appear from the fatuous comments passed by ex journalist turned tv presenter Matthew Wright on C5 in the UK this morning - "Just because he had a pain in the back doesn't mean we should forgive him for murdering all those people" said with a big grin on his face - it now appears that ignorance of history should be worn as a badge of honour! An actor guest shouted out Do I care they've found Richard III? No I bloody well don't! Who cares?Who cares?" I nearly smashed my tv screen in! I have now abandoned the show completely!
> Later in a quiz show the contestant when asked which queen of England was born at Greenwich in 1553 answered "Victoria".
> A friend of mine called having seen the programme and felt there was far too much of Phillippa who she said 'she could have happily strangled at one point'. Later she watched Starkey's take on the WOTR and said what extraordinarily biased drivel! And my friend is not a historian, even an amateur one, and knows little of the period, but she saw straight through him!
> However the British press is having great fun atRichard's expense, so the fight intensifies as far as I am concerned, but armed with new weapons, thanks to Phillippa and the team at Leicester!
> Paul
> Richard Liveth Yet!
> ------------------------------------
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Re: History

2013-02-20 22:00:28
liz williams
Sorry "its reputation"  I am always criticising everyone else for aberrant use of apostrophes

From: liz williams <ferrymansdaughter@...>
To: "" <>
Sent: Tuesday, 5 February 2013, 19:44
Subject: Re: History

Matthew Wright is, apparently, an idiot.  Personally I've never watched his show and never will since it's reputation precedes it.  As for the quiz show, people are ignorant.  It's not necessarily their fault since history is not taught in our schools - other than WW2 - or when it is, it's not taught in any chronological way. 
"History is boring" is something my teenaged nieces say over and over again.  Only one of them did history at GCSE and it seemed to consist mostly of WW1 and WW2 which are obviously important but when that's all you do, I can understand why they say it's boring.  There is also a real thing about how history shouldn't be about "kings, queens, etc" but the common man.   I've done enough research into my own (mostly extremely common!) family tree to know that the documentation simply isn't there to make it wildly interesting other than to the family. 

From: Paul Trevor Bale mailto:paul.bale%40sky.com>
To: RichardIIISociety forum mailto:%40yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Tuesday, 5 February 2013, 19:23
Subject: History

It would appear from the fatuous comments passed by ex journalist turned tv presenter Matthew Wright on C5 in the UK this morning - "Just because he had a pain in the back doesn't mean we should forgive him for murdering all those people" said with a big grin on his face - it now appears that ignorance of history should be worn as a badge of honour! An actor guest shouted out Do I care they've found Richard III? No I bloody well don't! Who cares?Who cares?" I nearly smashed my tv screen in! I have now abandoned the show completely!
Later in a quiz show the contestant when asked which queen of England was born at Greenwich in 1553 answered "Victoria".
A friend of mine called having seen the programme and felt there was far too much of Phillippa who she said 'she could have happily strangled at one point'. Later she watched Starkey's take on the WOTR and said what extraordinarily biased drivel! And my friend is not a historian, even an amateur one, and knows little of the period, but she saw straight through him!
However the British press is having great fun atRichard's expense, so the fight intensifies as far as I am concerned, but armed with new weapons, thanks to Phillippa and the team at Leicester!

Richard Liveth Yet!

Re: History

2013-02-20 22:25:55
liz williams
Ok this is just weird.  I sent that reply (you may be able to see) on the 5th February!  How bizarre is that? 

From: liz williams <ferrymansdaughter@...>
To: "" <>
Sent: Tuesday, 5 February 2013, 19:58
Subject: Re: History

Sorry "its reputation"  I am always criticising everyone else for aberrant use of apostrophes

From: liz williams mailto:ferrymansdaughter%40btinternet.com>
To: "mailto:%40yahoogroups.com" mailto:%40yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Tuesday, 5 February 2013, 19:44
Subject: Re: History

Matthew Wright is, apparently, an idiot.  Personally I've never watched his show and never will since it's reputation precedes it.  As for the quiz show, people are ignorant.  It's not necessarily their fault since history is not taught in our schools - other than WW2 - or when it is, it's not taught in any chronological way. 
"History is boring" is something my teenaged nieces say over and over again.  Only one of them did history at GCSE and it seemed to consist mostly of WW1 and WW2 which are obviously important but when that's all you do, I can understand why they say it's boring.  There is also a real thing about how history shouldn't be about "kings, queens, etc" but the common man.   I've done enough research into my own (mostly extremely common!) family tree to know that the documentation simply isn't there to make it wildly interesting other than to the family. 

From: Paul Trevor Bale mailto:paul.bale%40sky.com>
To: RichardIIISociety forum mailto:%40yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Tuesday, 5 February 2013, 19:23
Subject: History

It would appear from the fatuous comments passed by ex journalist turned tv presenter Matthew Wright on C5 in the UK this morning - "Just because he had a pain in the back doesn't mean we should forgive him for murdering all those people" said with a big grin on his face - it now appears that ignorance of history should be worn as a badge of honour! An actor guest shouted out Do I care they've found Richard III? No I bloody well don't! Who cares?Who cares?" I nearly smashed my tv screen in! I have now abandoned the show completely!
Later in a quiz show the contestant when asked which queen of England was born at Greenwich in 1553 answered "Victoria".
A friend of mine called having seen the programme and felt there was far too much of Phillippa who she said 'she could have happily strangled at one point'. Later she watched Starkey's take on the WOTR and said what extraordinarily biased drivel! And my friend is not a historian, even an amateur one, and knows little of the period, but she saw straight through him!
However the British press is having great fun atRichard's expense, so the fight intensifies as far as I am concerned, but armed with new weapons, thanks to Phillippa and the team at Leicester!

Richard Liveth Yet!


2013-06-14 11:21:36
Paul Trevor Bale
I'm certain forum members will be proud to learn of the excellence of
the British education system in history. On a quiz show yesterday we
learned that Magna Carta was signed by Henry VIII in 1565 while his
archbishop Becket watched.
They teach history well these days don't they?

Richard Liveth Yet!

Re: History

2013-06-14 11:57:37
Pamela Bain
One would not know that in the USA. Our schools are appalling!

On Jun 14, 2013, at 5:21 AM, "Paul Trevor Bale" <paul.bale@...<mailto:paul.bale@...>> wrote:

I'm certain forum members will be proud to learn of the excellence of
the British education system in history. On a quiz show yesterday we
learned that Magna Carta was signed by Henry VIII in 1565 while his
archbishop Becket watched.
They teach history well these days don't they?

Richard Liveth Yet!

Re: History

2013-06-14 12:08:06
I thought everyone knew it was Henry VII after the Battle of Naseby. =^..^=

From: Paul Trevor Bale
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 11:21 AM
To: RichardIIISociety forum
Subject: History

I'm certain forum members will be proud to learn of the excellence of
the British education system in history. On a quiz show yesterday we
learned that Magna Carta was signed by Henry VIII in 1565 while his
archbishop Becket watched.
They teach history well these days don't they?

Richard Liveth Yet!

Re: History

2013-06-14 13:48:13
Christine Headley
Which quiz show and how old were the clueless contestants?

Best wishes

Quoting Paul Trevor Bale <paul.bale@...>:

> I'm certain forum members will be proud to learn of the excellence of
> the British education system in history. On a quiz show yesterday we
> learned that Magna Carta was signed by Henry VIII in 1565 while his
> archbishop Becket watched.
> They teach history well these days don't they?
> Paul
> --
> Richard Liveth Yet!

Re: History

2013-06-14 17:06:01
Paul Trevor Bale
The incredibly popular Pointless that seems to trawl all over to find
the dimmest contestants in the entire land! Oh there is another show
that is on in conjunction with the lottery results that has 3 possible
answers to choose from. One recent question was 'In which country is the
area known as the Algarve?' France, Portugal, or Spain? "Oh I went there
last year for me 'olidays,' the contestant screams pleased as punch.
In case anyone else doesn't know, the Algarve is a beautiful region in
southern Portugal.

On 14/06/2013 13:48, Christine Headley wrote:
> Which quiz show and how old were the clueless contestants?
> Best wishes
> Christine
> Quoting Paul Trevor Bale <paul.bale@...>:
>> I'm certain forum members will be proud to learn of the excellence of
>> the British education system in history. On a quiz show yesterday we
>> learned that Magna Carta was signed by Henry VIII in 1565 while his
>> archbishop Becket watched.
>> They teach history well these days don't they?
>> Paul
>> --
>> Richard Liveth Yet!
> ------------------------------------
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Richard Liveth Yet!

Re: History

2013-06-14 17:07:37
Paul Trevor Bale
Forgot to answer the ages. two girls in their mid twenties, who only got
one question out of ten correct, a father and daughter, she in her 20s,
and a young couple, also in their 20s.

On 14/06/2013 13:48, Christine Headley wrote:
> Which quiz show and how old were the clueless contestants?
> Best wishes
> Christine
> Quoting Paul Trevor Bale <paul.bale@...>:
>> I'm certain forum members will be proud to learn of the excellence of
>> the British education system in history. On a quiz show yesterday we
>> learned that Magna Carta was signed by Henry VIII in 1565 while his
>> archbishop Becket watched.
>> They teach history well these days don't they?
>> Paul
>> --
>> Richard Liveth Yet!
> ------------------------------------
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Richard Liveth Yet!

Re: History

2013-06-14 17:57:44
Judy Thomson
Up 'til now, the US game show Jeopardy (my husband's a fan) has featured a number of Ricardian-related questions, and so far they've been, if not exactly pro-Richard, at least very neutral. Of course, having said this, they'll probably go and make me eat my words, in future.

Loyaulte me lie

From: Paul Trevor Bale <paul.bale@...>
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 11:05 AM
Subject: Re: History

The incredibly popular Pointless that seems to trawl all over to find
the dimmest contestants in the entire land! Oh there is another show
that is on in conjunction with the lottery results that has 3 possible
answers to choose from. One recent question was 'In which country is the
area known as the Algarve?' France, Portugal, or Spain? "Oh I went there
last year for me 'olidays,' the contestant screams pleased as punch.
In case anyone else doesn't know, the Algarve is a beautiful region in
southern Portugal.

On 14/06/2013 13:48, Christine Headley wrote:
> Which quiz show and how old were the clueless contestants?
> Best wishes
> Christine
> Quoting Paul Trevor Bale <paul.bale@...>:
>> I'm certain forum members will be proud to learn of the excellence of
>> the British education system in history. On a quiz show yesterday we
>> learned that Magna Carta was signed by Henry VIII in 1565 while his
>> archbishop Becket watched.
>> They teach history well these days don't they?
>> Paul
>> --
>> Richard Liveth Yet!
> ------------------------------------
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Richard Liveth Yet!

Re: History

2013-06-14 21:18:07
Christine Headley
Which reminds me - back in the 1920s Sellar and Yeatman thought that
'everyone' knew two dates. There turned out to be only one, so their
book was called '1066 and all that'.

The American equivalent is presumably 1492.

Best wishes

Quoting Paul Trevor Bale <paul.bale@...>:

> Forgot to answer the ages. two girls in their mid twenties, who only got
> one question out of ten correct, a father and daughter, she in her 20s,
> and a young couple, also in their 20s.
> Paul
> On 14/06/2013 13:48, Christine Headley wrote:
>> Which quiz show and how old were the clueless contestants?
>> Best wishes
>> Christine
>> Quoting Paul Trevor Bale <paul.bale@...>:
>>> I'm certain forum members will be proud to learn of the excellence of
>>> the British education system in history. On a quiz show yesterday we
>>> learned that Magna Carta was signed by Henry VIII in 1565 while his
>>> archbishop Becket watched.
>>> They teach history well these days don't they?
>>> Paul
>>> --
>>> Richard Liveth Yet!
>> ------------------------------------
>> Yahoo! Groups Links
> --
> Richard Liveth Yet!
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