Josephine Tey drama
Josephine Tey drama
2008-04-26 14:43:22
A novel in which she appears as a character is being broadcast on Radio 4
this week and next. It's called 'An Expert in Murder' and is by Nicola
Upton. It's available on Listen Again (if you can get it) for a week after
broadcast and new episodes are at 10.45 am and 7.45 pm BST.
Nicola Upton wanted to write a biography of JT but her subject resisted
capture so she wrote a classic-style murder mystery instead.
It's all connected with 'Richard of Bordeaux' and I can't work out which
characters are real and which aren't (except, presumably, the deceased!).
Best wishes
Christine Headley
Butterrow, Stroud, Glos
this week and next. It's called 'An Expert in Murder' and is by Nicola
Upton. It's available on Listen Again (if you can get it) for a week after
broadcast and new episodes are at 10.45 am and 7.45 pm BST.
Nicola Upton wanted to write a biography of JT but her subject resisted
capture so she wrote a classic-style murder mystery instead.
It's all connected with 'Richard of Bordeaux' and I can't work out which
characters are real and which aren't (except, presumably, the deceased!).
Best wishes
Christine Headley
Butterrow, Stroud, Glos