Ireland's Sheelanagigs

Ireland's Sheelanagigs

2008-07-07 12:38:55
james bowles

roslyn asked "any idea what sheela nagigs are?

james) Yes, Sheelanagigs are creation Icons. If they were modern they would be a figure that personifies Genesis 1:1 ΒΆ In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

But they are not modern - they are from pre-Dynastic Egyptian literature, but the wording in the corresponding passage is too explicit for this forum. So if you'll contact me off forum I'll send you the passage that corresponds to Genesis 1:1

That said there is an element of confusion here. Most Sheelanagigs I've seen are female, but God in Genesis 1:1 is male. So we're looking here at a culture that honored a female God. There is an equivalence to this in South America, and interestingly some of the Irish Sheelanagigs are of the S. American variety.

Go figure!

In any case, it's fair to say that from some early time, until 1539 when Henry VIII destroyed the monasteries (and right through the reign of Richard III) that the religious world of the Irish, Benedictine, and Cistercian monks, and the Celts and their Druids in the UK was governed by ancient Egyptian literature.

Super-imposed on this was the rule of the Pope.



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